kava dream tea and light night lulling sounds.
i wish i could paint with my ink on this post, theres something about the dark watery energy that i feel inside myself.
I keep thinking of this place in Africa where time doesn't exist. At least not in the same way it does here.
They don't count to numbers past three and they have no measurements for weeks, months or days.
The real sense of it. Im listening to music from a friend in my improv acting class. It's beautiful and ecstatic at times and heart felt. It resonates with the depths of my heart.
My friend Flora is here from Amsterdam, she inspires me so greatly. She listens, she is gentle, empowering and I laugh and laugh with her.
We paint together while she shares her flower tea. We dip our brushes in the water color and paint what is around us, each other, the moment, and I quote what I can.
My dreams have been softer lately. I think I dream about floating and how i should hold my feet when I fly. I met a 3 year old today, I told her my name was bird. She asked me " you fly can?"
- "Can I fly? " I ask back and she nods her head.
I tell her yes. Then I show her how, I flap my wings (or arms) and run out the front door, catching speed and take off in a swoop, behind some bushes and up some stairs.
I forget I can fly sometimes too.
She must have been sent to me to remind me.
There is a quote up on our bulletin board at our home and it says;
"No one is sent to anyone by accident." A Course in Miracles
I love this line, the simple truth of it. I once wrote in a journal , "what if we looked at everyone we met as an angel on our path?"
I always felt that with Tom, that he was/is an angel on my path sent to me. I wonder if some of our angels are also like shamans, where they lead us into the most dark uncomfortable places to find light, even bring up some of the darkest things for us and some of our biggest fears.
Tonight while listening to an audio on our way home the last line before the service cut out was "people don't need to be fixed, they need to be loved".
(Richard Rudd from this audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=199jTzHONZ0)
Sometimes I feel that with myself, like I need to fix myself, my mind, my thoughts, my emotions, my fears. But what I realize everyday is that I just need to love myself and all of these things. Everything will heal in time, everything is in it's right place, and even though I know this to be true, I find myself fearing the truth of my heart.
During a journeying session I had recently the first guide who came to me looked a lot like Gandolf the white from Lord of the Rings, he told me" Just listen." and laugh, and he tickled me.
We've been watching LOTR lately and it's been a really fun journey to return to.
Gandolf says at one point during challenge where Frodo says he wishes that ring had never come to him and that none of this had happened..
"So do many who live to see such times. But thats not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given us."
Intuition. Sometimes I feel intuition can't be thought out, it's just felt, like a breeze.
Tonight a friend was having a hard time, I could see it. And yet he opened up and let stories fall out. Dreams of the past, they were nice to re-live with him.
I sat painting everything in my new journal, Mt shasta, Beth, Tom, the moon.
Something broke open in me at the end of the night, I don't know what it was. But it was like water in a jar all mended up, the cracks leaked opened. Fortunately it seemed to have fell into a stream, Flora was that tonight. Sometimes to just release and be heard without judgement can be so healing. I didn't want to feel what I was but guilt and repression weren't going to help.
So i just was. I wished and prayed on a night star and here I am late night writing. Writing is therapy, it is just an outlet for me, self medication.
We took a woman on a walk today. A gene keys meet up walk in nature. It was just timeless. Beautiful, simple and full of insight and love. We talked for hours and had tea, she was so open to share her life and her light. I noticed all the trees and how they all spoke. She talked about how there is research being done to prove that trees talk to each other. I saw and felt it, I lean on them for support and give thanks.
I think it is time to fall in bed.
May all be blessed, may all allow themselves to feel, and love themselves the whole way through.