Saturday, January 26, 2013

moon body

i dreamt of this voice last night.
it was my own and it spoke louder and louder, it said stop ignoring me or shutting me out. I woke and asked questions that came through my sleeping lips, "why are you doing what you're doing?"
"How does it serve you?"

I felt more of the inner workings of my body this week.
I worked with Debby and the session was a hazy dream, a dream of looking at things, feeling things, allowing space and being in the body.
Amy called me and I told her these pictures showed what I felt like I was under all this skin, "glowing white goodness."
The essence of whats inside. A moon body.

It's the full moon today, which always feels like a day of celebration and illumination.
The "perilous questions" that Debby shared with me this week are, "whats true for me, and what do i want?"
The answers becoming more and more clear each moment.

Whales came to me in my dreams, whales mixed with sharks. We rode on their backs and they took us to shore.
The ocean representing the emotions of our lives, and the whales harboring them, the sharks, moving through them with confidence and clarity. Both carrying the wisdom and protection to show a clear way through something that feels so vast. Life.

It's been raining recently and with it comes a purifying calm.

I've been keeping this picture of this happy deer present.
To keep myself smiling through every different emotion and moment that passes.
Live presently, feel continuously. I can sense all these halves of myself becoming whole, rebreeding and becoming whole again.

I met a girl yesterday who told me "I trust my feelings completely and even if they are somewhat wrong , they aren't wrong I just learn from them."
She was a sort of other worldly warrior goddess. I did a shoot with her and admired the strength she seemed to carry in her self trust. 

We spoke of someone who is going to be bringing a baby into the world, and what a gift it is. Life is such a gift, I saw an accident on the side of the road on our way to the desert, these cars all smashed up and flipped over and thought, life is fragile.
I asked my dreams last night to show me a clear path, I danced through an airport and fell in love with everyone I met, people coming around me to support me.
At the end I bought some glitter to help this girl shine. 
Everyone here to help each other shine, move forward and grow.

I may be headed out towards new orleans and new mexico for a bit, but body therapy continues!
(and You can reach Debby at and

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